Wednesday, November 18, 2009

problematique for EU Top nominations

The first EU president is going to unite the European continent further. One president, one zone in the world reflecting on the rest of the world.

The local Belgian media is overexcited about our very PM becoming the first president. But the English mr Tony Blair has not given up this. And only yesterday a new candidate, or rather a group of candidates appeared: the women in the European Parliament.
None of their arguments can be seen as seriously convincing. But they're right, women need more representation, as is written in so many EU guidelines.

But the first president should have a wide support from over the continent. the problem with women is that they think they are kept from governance form the men and need perfect parity in all institutions. positive discrimination? Do they need it?
we'll see, hopefully they push one and a single strong candidate forward so that they wont start discussing their favorite for ages.

But Blair better forget about becoming president. He lied in invading Iraq, was the favorite lover of George W. Bush and didnt quite do a good job in integrting England further in the EU. well, maybe if he gets the job, England will be more favorable? Chances are small, because Gordon Brown's government is at a low and is facing big trouble in getting reelection.

no, blogging about this wont get us closer. but making compromises and sincere promises will. in the past and the future.

Van Rompuy for president! sign the petition here!